After I heard that Last Hope CD and Ironclad work on mvspsp version 2.3.5, I finally caved in and updated from my old version 2.3.1 to 2.3.5. I found the 2.3.5 version in the emulator index thread on this forumI found out a bunch of interesting things when installing this on my PSP Slim:- The romset for this is Mame 0.152 but you only need neogeo, cps1 and cps2. There is a NeoMame 0.152 complete 'Mame Mod' out there.- The NJ emulators mvspsp, cps1psp, and cps2psp each come with a file that has all the names of the roms. Romlister could be used to sort them, or maybe Romcenter.
Neo Geo Rom Converter Psp
I used the following command on my mac to sort the roms, after I copied zipname files into my mame rom directory.